Well, it's a little over a month later, and I'm still in the middle of a lot of preparations. It sometimes feels like I'm going in circles and just jumping through hoops, but there have been some achievements and incidents since the last time I wrote:
I have now been officially accepted and enrolled in my study abroad program.
I have attended the live pre-departure orientation by my home university, and have recieved the email to do the electronic version that's also required, which I will do as soon as I have about half an hour to spare.
I have researched and bought the perfect raincoat for Great Britain in the summer -- and got it on clearance, no less!
I applied for a Magellan grant, and found out today that I will not recieve it.
I have applied for several different scholarships, and I'm in the middle of applying for even more.
I'll write more as things happen!